The BLESSING is not in what you receive, but what you GIVE......


To be wise stewards over a financial passageway where funds come in and funds go out, as we are blessed to be a blessing. Give to the poor, needy widows and orphans in Southern California as first priority, than other States. Included as our international outreach the Ethiopian Jews in Jerusalem living below the poverty level.
We honor the Lord with our possessions and first fruits of all our increase. Proverb 3:9
sun light passing through green leafed tree
sun light passing through green leafed tree
Our vision is based on prayer for the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. We are living in an incredibly exciting time. The world is always changing rapidly, but God's word of Truth stays the same.
Blessed be God who has not turned away my prayer, Nor His mercy from me. Psalm 6:20
From God's storehouse of riches, we want to provide what people need in the physical and the spiritual food of God's word for a better, more fulfilled life.


silhouette photography of person
silhouette photography of person


Pray ---> Receive ---> Praise ---> Give ---> Pray ---> Receive ---> Praise ---> Give --->
Is our guiding principle in action which comes from the word of God. We strive to help people improve their lives every day by speaking love, blessings, abundance, prosperity, health, wealth and all that the Lord has given to enrich the lives of His creation! It is our passion to give and have others give to see God's supernatural power be manifested in our lives and everything we do.