Freely You Have Received, Freely Give....

To Receive....From Us

To Give....To Us

We try to give $100+ as a financial blessing to help the Poor, Needy, Widows and Orphans, with an expense, emergency, unexpected problem during their time of need.
**February - August**
Showing the love of God in providing for the body, soul and spirit. We Pray the receiver will open their heart and ask our Savior (Yeshua, Jesus) to come in to their lives and develop a relationship with Him!

(1) In the Contact Section First and Last Name, Age, Complete Address, Phone Number, Email, Reason for Request and Favorite Scripture.
We receive donations to help those in need who contact us.
The Board withholds 3% for operating cost.
Donations for a designated from family or someone they know receives 100%.
A specific person can be designated. Provide all the information with need and amount given for them.
We are 501(c)(3) nonprofit Tax deductible donations are a write-off.
Checks and Cash Accepted